An online course to conduct literature reviews
and learn about bibliometrics


This course, in English, is suitable for students and researchers as well as for higher education institutions that wish to include a methodological course to conduct literature reviews using the latest and up-to-date techniques. It has been developed by renown scholars and is based on scientifically validated published works. This course enrolls in professional continuous education. It includes 4 chapters with a quizz and multi-choice questions (MCQs) at the end of each chapter. If respondent gives wrong answers, assistance is provided to identify correct answers. If pedagogical assistance is needed, professors may be contacted.
When a participant arrives at the end of the course, and has covered all chapters, an attendance certificate is automatically proposed by the system."


  • Mastering the conduct of literature reviews and their diversity
  • Understanding Bibliometrics and how it can be applied to conduct a literature review

About the authors of this course:

Pr. Frantz Rowe is a renown scholar in the research field of literature reviews, Dr. Alexandre Renaud is a renown scholar in the research field of bibliometrics, Pr. Isabelle Walsh is a renown scholar in both research fields of bibliometrics and literature reviews. Here are some of their published works related to both fields.
Here is a short introduction to this course
This course is for you
If you need to conduct literature reviews and need to save as much time as possible to allow for reflexivity to be applied in your work.

Cost = 60,00€ per month for individual subscription - Unlimited Access
For institutions, cost will depend on number of students that have access to the course
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Selected publications of the authors:

Dubois, S. and Walsh, I. (2018) The globalization of research highlighted through the research networks of management education institution: The case of French business schools. M@n@gement.
Maucuer, R., & Renaud, A. (2019). Business Model Research: A Bibliometric Analysis of Origins and Trends. M@n@gement. 22(2), pp. 176-215.
Maucuer, R., Renaud, A., Snihur, Y., & Bojovic, N. (2020) Business Models in the Information Systems Literature: State of the Art and Research Perspectives, Systèmes d’information et Management, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 5-28.
Renaud, A., & Maucuer, R. (2018). 20 Years of Academic Publishing in M@n@gement: A Bibliometric Analysis. M@n@gement, 21(4). Pp. 1186-1212.
Renaud, A., Walsh, I., & Kalika, M. (2016). Is SAM still alive? A bibliometric and interpretive mapping of the strategic alignment research field. Journal of Strategic Information Systems.
Rowe F., What a literature review is not : diversity, boundaries and recommendations. European Journal of Information Systems, vol. 23, n° 3, 2014, pp.241-255.
Rowe F., Kanita N., Walsh, I. The importance of theoretical positioning and the relevance of using bibliometrics for literature reviews, Journal of Decision Systems, 2023, DOI: 10.1080/12460125.2023.2217646.
Schryen G., Benlian A., Rowe F., Gregor S., Larsen K., Petter S., Paré G., Wagner G., Haag S., Yasasin, E., Literature reviews in IS research: What can be learnt from the past and other fields? Communication of the Association for Information Systems, vol 41, n°1, article 30, 2017, pp.759-774.
Walsh I., Rowe F., BIBGT: combining bibliometrics and grounded theory to conduct a literature review, European Journal of Information Systems, 2022 DOI: 10.1080/0960085X.2022.2039563
Walsh, I. and Kalika, M. (2018) Network Dynamics in the French-Speaking and English-Speaking IS Research Communities. Systèmes d’Information & Management
Walsh, I. & Renaud, A. (2017) Reviewing the literature in the IS field: Two bibliometric techniques to guide readings and help the interpretation of the literature. Systèmes d’Information & Management
Scanlitt SAS, 1047 route des dolines, 06560 Valbonne - - Mentions légales
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