Disseminating Knowledge to open science

A database dedicated to Management Science that indexes all journals of the FNEGE
This project is financed partially by the French government as part of the “Programme d’investissements d’avenir”.
DATAMAN is a bibliographic database
DATAMAN dedicated to people or institutions interested in management research. Contrary to the large multidisciplinary mega-databases, DATAMAN offers a database dedicated to the field of management, the objective of which is to cover all the journals that make sense to take into account for the scientific community in this field of research
DATAMAN is an efficient tool
DATAMAN is used for following the publications of a journal, an author, an institution or doing a thematic search using keywords. Combined with SCANLITT tools, DATAMAN data allow for contextual and hierarchical research, and they offer a bibliographic reference source for carrying out scientific monitoring or a literature review in all management disciplines. DATAMAN therefore contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and the opening up of science to improve the quality of knowledge for all.
DATAMAN is an efficient tool
DATAMAN is used for following the publications of a journal, an author, an institution or doing a thematic search using keywords. Combined with SCANLITT tools, DATAMAN data allow for contextual and hierarchical research, and they offer a bibliographic reference source for carrying out scientific monitoring or a literature review in all management disciplines. DATAMAN therefore contributes to the dissemination of knowledge and the opening up of science to improve the quality of knowledge for all.
DATAMAN is developed by SCANLITT with the support of FNEGE
DATAMAN offers privileged access to French and international management research by referencing articles from journals identified by the FNEGE list of journals.
Scanlitt SAS, 1047 route des dolines, 06560 Valbonne - contact@scanlitt.com - Mentions légales
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