ARTIREV : Your digital
research assistant
Whether you are a beginner or an expert in bibliometrics our tool will open for you the doors of science and accompany you to explore the most relevant knowledge on the subjects that interest you.
The domains we cover
All scientific domains
First developed for Management and Medecine, SCANLITT's solutions are today thought out to help any researcher, student, professor or consultant practitioner who needs to conduct a scientific literature review and, more broadly, to help them in their daily activities..
Use Cases
To explore Science
To strengthen pedagogical aspects
To facilitate an academic cursus
To manage the Faculty
Developed to facilitate documentary research, ARTIREV accelerates the writing of literature reviews while guiding users in their readings to update and renew their knowledge on their subjects of predilection or to discover and explore new research fields.
ARTIREV is an ideal tool for users who wish to transmit to students knowledge that is updated with the latest scientific discoveries and to accompany them more efficiently to finalize their theses, covering sometimes subjects that are remote from their own personal interests.
Simple to use, and necessitating no technical knowledge of any sort, ARTIREV assists students in the writing of their academic works. In a few clicks, ARTIREV will give them access to articles relevant to their subjects, will ensure their scientific validity and will categorize them in sense-making groups to facilitate and organize readings: time gained and quality ensured.
ARTIREV will support institutions in the management of their Faculty by offering clear mappings of the publications of their Faculty and to highlight their expertise. It will allow to objectify needs in terms of recruitment and formal structuration of their teams. It will also help to summarize their activity during internal and external audits.
Description of the process in 4 steps
ARTIREV is the result of a 10 year research program. The process is at the heart of the software that was developed by researchers to bring to all those interested the benefits brought by complex bibliometric techniques. This process has been validated by the scientific community through a number of publications.

Download data
Enter your key words directly in our search engine and find related scientific articles indexed in the meta-database of our partners for your discipline and within a given period. Download the bibliographic metadata directly through our interface.

Clean the data
Data cleaning is essential in any large set of data, as it guarantees the relevance of your results. Our exclusive and protected algorithms allow you to do this in a few minutes (it would be a few weeks/months if you did this manually) and give you access to the potentialities of bibliometrics without efforts.

Analyze data
The identification of the documents most relevant to your research theme is done automatically by the machine and allows you the access to the theoretical pillars and current scientific conversations of your field.

Interpret results
The dynamic interface will allow you to explore easily the results. These results are presented in the shape of radial dendrograms that allow the quick identification of various sense-making groups of articles and to interpret them rapidly with the help of word clouds and complementary information made available for each article. You can download all relevant information in a synthetic tabular format.
Your online digital
research assistant
Your simplified digital
research assistant
Scanlitt SAS, 1047 route des dolines, 06560 Valbonne - - Mentions légales
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