Using ARTIREV to conduct literature reviews: Advanced training

General presentation

The aim of this training course is to provide participants with sound theoretical and practical knowledge for carrying out in-depth literature reviews using bibliometric techniques and ARTIREV software.
Supervised by experts, participants will receive in-depth training in bibliometric concepts and tools to master all the subtleties of configuring the advanced features of the ARTIREV software and become autonomous in designing and implementing a bibliometric study. The workshop format of the seminar will enable participants to interact on their projects with the experts, enabling them to apply the knowledge acquired directly (for more information, see the detailed program and training schedule below)."


The seminar will be led by Prof. Isabelle Walsh or Dr. Alexandre Renaud, both experts in bibliometrics and literature reviews.

Courses, duration and important dates

Training will be offered face to face or online.

There should be two sessions for each, planned for the first semester 2024:

Face to face training

Two identical face to face sessions will be organized during the first semester 2024 at the FNEGE offices in Paris (2 Av. Hoche, 75008 Paris - Metro Courcelles Line 2).
Dates in February are no available anymore
  • The first session will be on Thursday 15th February 2024 (9am to 5pm) to Friday 16 th February 2024(9am to 1pm).
  • The second session will be on Thursday 7th March 2024 (9 am to 5 pm) to Friday 8th March 2024 (9 am to 1 pm)

Synchronous online training

Two identical online training sessions will be organized during the first semester 2024 via Teams
  • The first session will be on Thursday 29th February 2024 (9 am to 12.30 am and 1.30 pm to 5 pm)
  • The second session will be on Thursday 21st of March 2024 (9 am to 12.30 am and 1.30 pm to 5 pm)
No recording of the training will be made, nor will it be authorized. Powerpoint presentation slides will be provided at the end of the course.


These courses are open to anyone, but are mostly designed for academics, researchers and doctoral students, wishing to master the full range of ARTIREV functions for conducting literature reviews using bibliometrics.
This course could be financed by your institution as part of its continuing professional development/training program.


In order to make these courses as beneficial as possible for participants, the following prerequisites are strongly recommended:
  • To have attended the "Literature Reviews and Bibliometrics" online course (lien), which provides the basic knowledge about bibliometrics and literature reviews but does not cover at all the use of ARTIREV.
  • To have started using ARTIREV, using the user manual and the video supplied on the SCANLITT youtube channel...
  • To have a literature review project already defined, even if it is only an approximate draft.


For face to face training :

  • For Professors, 950,00€ per participant for the two days.
  • For doctoral students, 650,00€ per participant for the two days.

For online training :

  • For Professors, 600,00€ per participant.
  • For doctoral students, 400,00€ per participant.
Scanlitt is a government-recognized training organization (VAT-exempt : Art. 261.4.4 a of the CGI - Declaration of activity registered under number 93061030306 with the Prefecture of the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region).
The cost of this training could be covered by your institution's training/continuing professional development budget.

Detailed agenda

The course is composed by several modules that combine theoretical presentations and practical applications using ARTIREV software.

1. Bibliographic meta-databases

In this module, we explore the three main data sources that can be used with ARTIREV:
  • Scopus: Multidisciplinary database launched in 2004 by scientific publisher Elsevier.
  • Web of Science: Multidisciplinary database created in 1964 under the name Science Citation Index (SCI). It is currently owned by Clarivate.
  • Dataman: Developed in partnership by SCANLITT and FNEGE, dataman is a bibliographic database focused on Management (Management Sciences and Economics), indexing articles published in journals referenced by the FNEGE ranking.
We'll look at how to define your keywords, write complex custom queries that match your research objectives and retrieve data for the ARTIREV software. We'll also look at how to create your own knowledge base from scratch.

2. The data cleaning issue

In this section, we focus on the issue of data cleaning for literature reviews. Using examples, we highlight the different formats of data collected, and the risks associated with poor data cleaning, both in terms of results and validity of the study.

3. Advanced bibliometrics

In this section, we open the "black box" of the bibliometric techniques proposed for literature reviews, namely reference co-citation analysis (RCCA) and bibliographic document linkage analysis (DBCA), presenting in detail their logic, their various implementation steps, and the critical indicators for optimizing the research. Each element will be illustrated by a participative application from ARTIREV, enabling an expert use of the software.

4. Bibliographic mappings

Mapping bibliometric results is a fundamental step in interpreting and communicating bibliometrics. We present the different mappings obtained with ARTIREV and detail how to analyze and present them in research articles.

5. Research design

Grounded in BIB-GT method introduced in the online course "Bibliometrics and literature reviews", we present how to design your bibliometric research. Using examples of articles published by the two lecturers, we'll show how research design needs to be adapted to your specific project (problematization and research questions) and how to deal with material contingencies.

6. Workshop

During the workshop session, you will practice the elements seen in the previous sections. This privileged moment of interaction will not only help you to master ARTIREV. Still, it will also enable you to refine and optimize your bibliometric research project thanks to the lecturers' expertise and discussions with other participants.


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